Thursday, August 11, 2016

Clean up your patent leather, and clean up at our summer sale!

Yesterday I was presented with a beautiful Italian patent leather belt that had clearly seen happier days - the patent leather was cloudy and dull, and the whole belt looked tired and old.

Clearly it needed to be cleaned, but the owner had no idea what to do with it - how do you clean it without damaging the surface and permanently losing that beautiful shine that we all love?

Well, the answer is simple - a little mineral oil or vaseline on a lint-free cloth does wonders for dull patent leather.

Simply apply a light coat of the oil or vaseline to the patent leather, working a small section at a time, and then buff to remove the excess, restoring the glossy surface of the leather.  So easy, and so worth a few minutes of your time.  My friend's belt came up looking as good as new!

A little Windex can clean up a dull patent leather surface too - and if you have deeper scuffs, rubbing alcohol on a q-tip helps but, as with any cleaning product, we always test on a small concealed area of the patent, just to make sure that our product is safe for that surface.

So, now you know how to clean your patent leather - you might also like to know how to clean up your summer wardrobe....

We would like to offer you a coupon for 30% off your purchase on our website,

Just use the code Summer30 at checkout to receive your discount.

We look forward to seeing you soon!